CALL US: 519-743-2921
Did you knock out a few teeth in a hockey game? Have you lost several teeth or had to have them pulled? No matter the reason, when you need to replace one or more missing teeth, contact the experienced denturists at M&I Denture and Implant Clinic. Our denture clinic in Kitchener fabricates implant-retained dentures, complete dentures, removable partial dentures, and immediate dentures for patients of all ages and needs. We know we have the right product for you.
Our laboratory allows us to create our dentures right on-site and perform faster relines and repairs. We work with the Region of Waterloo for clients on Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability (ODSP), Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP), and NIHB. We deal with all insurance plans.
A dentist's referral isn't required to visit our clinic, which is wheelchair-accessible and currently accepting new patients. Schedule a consultation today and learn how we can help your smile!